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Vité 20 Antifungal Cream

Vité20 is a cream antifungal that directly attacks the fungus while regenerating and improving the texture of the nails and the skin around them. It is effective in relieving itching, cracking, burning, and discomfort associated with fungally infected nails.

It has no liver contraindications and is safe for diabetics and pregnant women.

Vité20 is transparent, does not stain or smell bad; it is an easy product to apply and it is not necessary to remove the nail polish for use

Vité 20, with its unique blend of natural and traditional ingredients, works instantly to smooth and moisturize the skin around the nails and remove the most stubborn fungus.

The application of the product must be carried out twice a day to obtain 24-hour protection and achieve maximum benefits. Two to three weeks after starting the Vité20 treatment, changes will be noticed in the affected area.

Once optimal results have been achieved, the application of the product is recommended at least once a week to protect against re-contamination.

The treatment process can take between 3 and 12 months, depending on the type of fungus, degree of infection and the time it takes for each person's nail to grow

Vité 20 Antifungal Cream

  • Vité20, con su mezcla única de ingredientes naturales y tradicionales, trabaja al instante para suavizar y humectar la piel alrededor de las uñas y eliminar los hongos más persistentes.

    La aplicación del producto debe realizarse dos veces al día para obtener protección las 24 horas y alcanzar máximos beneficios. Después de dos a tres semanas de haber iniciado el tratamiento Vité20, se notarán cambios en el área afectada.

    Una vez que se hayan logrado óptimos resultados, se recomienda la aplicación del producto por lo menos una vez a la semana para protegerse en contra de una re contaminación.

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